The Heartspace
The Heartspace is specially designed and thoughtfully currated for all ages: children (3+), youths and adults for different modalities including art, play, sandtray and talk therapy.

Soft space for your senses
The Heartspace is designed to appeal to your senses of sight, touch, sound, smell and taste (we offer beverages and snacks!) with grounding objects and sensory toys.
To further regulate your body through the senses, the Heartspace is a shoe-off zone, inviting you to be more grounded on the carpeted floor.
Connecting to your heartspace
The Heartspace has spaces dedicated to different modalities and expressions: a play space, an art space and a talk space where you could create and connect with your mind, body and heart.
If you are a parent waiting for your child after drop off, feel free to ask and borrow a book from our growing library of resources while you rest in the quiet lounge area during your child's session. Parents with children under the age
of 12 is required to remain on site during the session.

Creativity cultivation
The Heartspace is fully stocked with a range of art materials including:
plain paper, construction paper, mixed media paper, watercolor paper, oversized paper
coloured pencils, colored markers, gel pens, crayons, oil pastels, watercolour pencils
For children: bear shaped wax crayons, plastic crayons, gel crayons, twisty stix, coloured pencils (pastel hues and regular tones, with skintone colors options)
watercolour paint, acrylic paint markers
modelling clay, playdoh
magazines, scissor, glue sticks, stamps
Safe space for your little one
At Heartspace, there are also play materials that are diverse and developmentally appropriate for pretend play, nurturing play, constructive play, social play, physical play and expressive play:
dollhouses and culturally representative dolls
human and animal families, hand and finger puppets
sandtray, miniatures and figurines
lego, playdoh, modelling clay, art and craft materials
play kitchen set, medical kit, dress up set
musical instruments
felt darts, bowling set, train track, vehicles
sensory and fidget toys, expandable breathing ball,
emotion cards, mindfulness and movement games, children's books for developing self-esteem and SEL.
Furniture are placed specifically in the room to create an open play space. The bench table has rounded corners and there is also a small adjustable table for younger children.

Questions about the space
Where is the location?
We are located in historical Gastown in Downtown Vancouver on
304 West Cordova Street.
It is in a historical building among other Victorian architechure between unique boutiques and cozy cafés.
How can I get there?
It is a 5 minute walk from Waterfront Station (for Seabus, Canada and Expo Lines) and a 10 minute walk from Stadium-Chinatown Station, with easy access to buses in between. There are also several carparks and street parking close to the building.
How do I enter the building?
The building on 304 West Cordova Street is locked. When you arrive, please message or buzz to let Stephanie know you are here. On the way up, feel free to use the single stall restrooms (no keys required). You may wait in the lounge area on the second floor or sit outside the room on the third floor, and Stephanie will meet you at the scheduled time.
Is the building wheelchair accessible?
The building is a historical building and therefore is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible as there is no elevator to the third floor.